
Read the latest edition of AIR and MEIR as an Interactive e-book

Sep 2019

Read the latest edition of AIR and MEIR as an Interactive e-book

Poised for success


Morocco's insurance industry has always been different in the regional context. Life business makes up the largest portion of GWP compared to other lines; it has the least number of players compared to other MENA markets relative to GWP; its regulations are some of the most developed in the region; and last but not least, it has been solidifying itself as a hub for doing business in Africa.

Reinsurance: Uncertainties ahead

COVER STORY - Reinsurance

The MENA reinsurance industry continues to feel the heat as sluggish economic activity and geopolitical tensions contribute to a challenging operating environment. Will reinsurers buckle under pressure or rebound with resilience to face the upcoming...

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Ringing in telehealth

FEATURE - Healthcare

Amidst the prevalence of lifestyle diseases, telehealth offers industry stakeholders the opportunity to seamlessly deliver high-quality healthcare to more people in more places and at a lower cost. However, despite its obvious benefits, multiple...

All Stories

  • Magazine article aboutEditor-s-Message

    Editor's Message

    We return with a bumper issue this September with so many things happening. There is a pervading sense of bad news all over with pockets of tensions, terrorism, trade spats, and even doom and gloom. It takes a brave heart to summon the deep optimism...

Special Report

  • Magazine article aboutMENA-Hiccups-in-growth-though-NA-faring-better

    MENA: Hiccups in growth though NA faring better

    For the second time in more than a decade, the MENA insurance industry contracted in 2018 – total premiums shrank by 3.3% – as the tough business environment and market conditions dragged growth in both life and non-life premiums down...

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  • Magazine article aboutThriving-amidst-adversity

    Thriving amidst adversity

    Liberia’s insurance industry faces a multitude of challenges due to limited opportunities and a harsh business environment, yet there are always serious players willing to find a way to stand out, says Mr Naji Eid, CEO of Blue Cross Insurance...

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  • A growing foothold in Africa

    Marsh’s investment in Beassur – a Moroccan brokerage house – signals the company’s first step towards growing its business in Africa, says Mr Christos Adamantiadis, CEO of Marsh Middle East and Africa.

  • Enhancing the Saudi automotive industry

    With its new strategy, Najm for Insurance Services (Najm) is focusing on industry enablers and revamping its structure to create a more customer-centric and sales-driven culture, says Dr Mohammad H AlSuliman, CEO of the company.

Cover Story


  • Magazine article aboutReinsurance-Uncertainties-ahead

    Reinsurance: Uncertainties ahead

    The MENA reinsurance industry continues to feel the heat as sluggish economic activity and geopolitical tensions contribute to a challenging operating environment. Will reinsurers buckle under pressure or rebound with resilience to face the upcoming...

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FAIR Focus

  • Magazine article aboutFrom-Bahrain-to-Morocco

    From Bahrain to Morocco

    This September, Marrakech plays host to the 26th FAIR conference, which carries the theme ‘New economic barriers in Afro-Asian insurance markets’. This is the second time that the biennial conference is being held in Morocco. Middle East...

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  • Faring well in the face of uncertain times

    The Federation of Afro-Asian Insurers & Reinsurers (FAIR) looks to help its members identify contemporary challenges and make the most of their capacities, says its secretary general Dr Adel Mounir.

  • Morocco, a gateway to Africa

    Moroccan insurers are increasingly spreading their wings to expand their presence across Africa. However, they need to revisit their strategies to ensure sustainability as challenges abound.

Country Profile


  • Magazine article aboutPoised-for-success

    Poised for success

    Morocco's insurance industry has always been different in the regional context. Life business makes up the largest portion of GWP compared to other lines; it has the least number of players compared to other MENA markets relative to GWP; its...

  • Expanding the protection umbrella

    Besides registering an impressive growth rate, the insurance industry in Morocco has succeeded in expanding the safety net for its citizens, says Mr Bachir Baddou, director general of the Moroccan Federation of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies...

  • Synergising capacities

    Morocco is a springboard to more business opportunities across Africa; and Trust Re aims to strengthen its position in the continent through its branch in Casablanca Financial City, says Mr Samir El Mouaffek, GM of Trust Re (Morocco).



  • Magazine article aboutRinging-in-telehealth

    Ringing in telehealth

    Amidst the prevalence of lifestyle diseases, telehealth offers industry stakeholders the opportunity to seamlessly deliver high-quality healthcare to more people in more places and at a lower cost. However, despite its obvious benefits, multiple...

  • Rising to the challenge

    Mr Georges Chidiac of SAICOHEALTH explains why data standardisation, transparency, cybersecurity and M&A are top of the agenda for the GCC’s healthcare industry operators.


Renewable Energy

  • Magazine article aboutInsuring-a-sustainable-future

    Insuring a sustainable future

    Mr Shakeeb Ahmad of PwC explores the risks and impact renewable energy has on the insurance industry as energy diversification gains momentum in the Middle East.

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  • Rogue employees: The insider threat

    The greatest threat to your company and network is not the hackers and crackers on the outside trying to get in, but your own employees who intentionally make mischief or who inadvertently cause damage from within, says Dr Dexter Morse of the...

Takaful Feature





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