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Sep 2019

FAIR Focus

From Bahrain to Morocco

This September, Marrakech plays host to the 26th FAIR conference, which carries the theme ‘New economic barriers in Afro-Asian insurance markets’. This is the second time that the biennial conference is being held in Morocco. Middle East Insurance Review looks back at some of the highlights of the last conference which took place in Bahrain. 

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Faring well in the face of uncertain times

The Federation of Afro-Asian Insurers & Reinsurers (FAIR) looks to help its members identify contemporary challenges and make the most of their capacities, says its secretary general Dr Adel Mounir.

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Morocco, a gateway to Africa

Moroccan insurers are increasingly spreading their wings to expand their presence across Africa. However, they need to revisit their strategies to ensure sustainability as challenges abound. 

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Reinsurance pool targets bigger footprint

The FAIR Non-Life Reinsurance Pool continues to expand its membership and strengthen its position in the Afro-Asian markets 45 years since its inception, says Ms Aylin Kocaturk of Milli Re.

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Cautious strategy is paying off

The FAIR Aviation Pool has continued to be profitable over the years thanks to prudent underwriting and an overall cautious strategy, says Mrs Houda Mchiche, senior manager aviation & Eastern Africa - international business & head of the pool.

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Nat CAT pool offers safety net as regions become more vulnerable

The role of the FAIR Natural Catastrophe Reinsurance Pool (FNCRIP) could become more crucial as the African and Asian regions are witnessing natural disasters that are increasing in frequency and severity, says GIC Re.

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Insurance and the future of Afro-Asian economies

Africa is burgeoning, while Asia is booming. Despite the differences in the two continents’ individual needs, the insurance industry will play a pivotal role in cementing the ties between them by securing Asian investments and protecting Africa’s new infrastructure, says Mr Hadi Riachi of Swiss Re.

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