
Read the latest edition of AIR and MEIR as an Interactive e-book

Jul 2022


Pandemic: A look under the hood

Can the world truly be prepared for a pandemic? Aside from the expected mortality and economic losses that are still fresh in everyone’s mind, what are the risk factors that could help us better predict the frequency, severity and, potentially, the source of future pandemics?

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Rising inflation leads to more risk

The latest economic projections for the MENA region forecast an uneven recovery as regional averages mask broad differences. Oil producers will benefit from higher prices and vaccination rates as fragile countries lag. But tighter global monetary policy, the unpredictability of the pandemic and its future, ongoing supply chain disruptions and food price hikes combine to raise inflation risks for the entire region.

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Fearful cyber insurers steer clear of Middle East

Businesses in the MENA region that operate without implementing sufficient cyber security infrastructure could find themselves out of luck in finding cyber insurers willing to provide coverage. Cyber insurers have either severely reduced capacity in the Middle East or are refusing to cover the region entirely. Middle East Insurance Review spoke with Howden’s Mr Shay Simkin to find out more.

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Strong cyber security for a smart, green future

New technologies are crucial in the power sector’s transition to green energy sources. They are, however, vulnerable to cyber security issues, and insurers with a proper understanding of cyber risk management can play a major role in helping organisations protect their balance sheets as they make that transition, says Lockton’s Ms Zainab Khatib.

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Insurers have a unique opportunity to help combat cyber crime

Like many crimes, there can be a sense among the business community that corporate cyber crime always happens to somebody else. But all the evidence shows that cyber attacks are not only aimed at industry giants. The vast SME segment is uniquely and increasingly vulnerable, say GIG Gulf’s Messrs Ricardo Arroyo and Bruno Fonseca.

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Cyber resilience in the Middle East and Africa

While many companies have made strides to address cyber security concerns, their typically fragmented approach still exposes them to certain risks. Marsh’s Ms Sarah Hamlat looks at some cyber risk trends in the Middle East and Africa and talks about how a unified, enterprise-wide approach to cyber security can bring significantly more benefit.

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Risk management in a recovering market

Adapting to the increasingly complex risk environment is crucial for companies seeking to capitalise on the MENA region’s projected post-COVID recovery. Chedid Capital’s Mr Marwan Kharsa looks at some of the more prominent threats that risk managers need to be aware of and risk mitigation strategies and techniques that can be considered.

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The evolution of energy risk

Oil prices might be surging now, but the events of the last few years have considerably altered the risk landscape of the energy sector. Lloyd Warwick International’s Mr Spencer Clark takes a closer look at these risks and the main factors that insurers need to consider.

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