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Sep 2024

Jordan: IGI hosts kingdom's first Dive In Festival for diversity and inclusion

Source: Middle East Insurance Review | Oct 2018

International General Insurance Holdings (IGI) hosted Jordan’s first Dive In Festival in Amman on 26 September, under the name ‘Glassed In Dive In’. The festival included a discussion led by Ms Mayyada Abu-Jaber, one of Jordan’s foremost advocates for women empowerment, on increasing the value of women in the workplace.
The Festival, which took place in more than 55 cities in 27 countries between 25 and 27 September, was created to encourage inclusive culture in insurance organisations. This year’s theme is ‘Time for Inclusion’, marking the start of a two-year campaign, Awareness into Action, to harness the energy of previous years to encourage action across the sector. 
Guests and speakers represented diverse parts of Jordanian society, including government, civil society and the private sector. The discussion was followed by a performance from the young dancers of the Jordan National Center for Culture & Arts. 
“Our company is an equal opportunity employer, and we are proud to have a 50:50 male to female ratio among our staff. We see ourselves as role models in the industry. We are delighted that this year’s country spotlight of the festival is Jordan. We are hosting the Dive In Festival because we believe that diverse and inclusive businesses are more innovative, creative, profitable and fun. We are all responsible to demonstrate through action and not words that insurance is a great career that is open to all,” said Ms Aaida Abu-Jaber, head of public relations and marketing at IGI.
Ms Pauline Miller, head of talent development and inclusion at Lloyd’s said, “We’re excited and encouraged to see Dive In taking place in Jordan for the first time this year, showing that the continued growth of the festival is felt across a multitude of regions. The 50:50 female to male ratio at IGI is already an accomplishment to be celebrated... We look forward to seeing the results of an insightful discussion with one of the region’s key prominent female leaders and representatives from the local market.”
The festival has continued to garner support with the highest number of gold sponsors from the insurance industry this year. M 
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